Percentage Calculator

Calculation of how many percent

Simple online percentage calculator:

Change the numbers here:
Maximum, minimum, and current values.

The percentage calculator converts the number to the percentage value. From the minimum value to the maximum value. The formula is a linear function, using the minimum number for the minimum percentage, and the maximum value for the maximum percentage.

The simple linear calculator formula is:
Result = ( (y1-y2)*x + x1*y2 - x2*y1) /(x1-x2).
The variable y1 is the minimum number of the percentage. Zero in percentage.
The variable y2 is the maximum number of the percentage. Value 100 in percentage. The variables x1 and x2 are the minimum and maximum values measured, related to the minimum and maximum percentages.
The variable x is the measured value, used in the calculator. The result is the calculated percentage value.
The percentage, in the calculator, can be associated with several cases.

Discount calculator. The discount in the calculator can be related to how much the result will be reduced.
Rate Calculator. The rate is related to the percentage of the total number. Fraction Calculator. Fraction, as a ratio of division between parts, can have percentage results. Values above the maximum and below the minimum, can return the percentage value above 100, or negative. In the average, interest in the percentage calculator, assists in the measurements of the values. Percentage is the unit of proportion of the value, relating the minimum to zero and the maximum to one hundred. The percentage calculator is used to relate values to reference ranges. There are other methods for setting maximums and minimums for calculators. The regression calculator may have multiple references for minimums and maximums. It can be from zero to ten, from one to five, from four to twenty, etc. But the percentage is standardized from zero to one hundred. In the case of division, in the calculator, the references must not be equal. Otherwise the division by zero, informs that the result does not depend on the percentage from zero to one hundred. In some cases, the curve may not be linear on the calculator. It depends on the type of reference used in the percentage range. But in many cases linear regression can be used for the percentage calculator. If you use the simplest specific percentage formula, with a minimum of zero, then it might look like this:

100 * (Value / Maximum)

But if you use the minimum and maximum in the percentage calculator, it could be like this:

100 * (Value - Minimum) / (Maximum - Minimum)

The percentage came from the Latin per centum, which means per hundred.

per centum

And the symbol, which is used after the number is like this %. In the calculator, the value is represented with this sign. The percentage symbol, according to some information, may have been made in the past representing division by one hundred. This represents a ratio. That's why each percentage can be associated with a unit. A representation item for comparisons in the calculator. But in some cases, it may have other divisions, related to the percentage. Some other shapes could be percentage point, per thousand, pcm, etc. These ways of representing values can help the relationships of numbers. In this calculator the percentage is used.

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Percentage Calculator

Calculadora de Porcentagem